Kannada Gadegalu With Explanation Pdf 12
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Kannada Gadegalu with Explanation PDF 12: A Collection of Popular Proverbs and Their Meanings
Kannada Gadegalu are wise sayings that convey a truth or a lesson based on common sense or experience. They are often used to express a point or illustrate a situation in a concise and memorable way. Kannada Gadegalu are part of the rich cultural heritage of Karnataka and reflect the wisdom and values of its people.
In this article, we will present 12 Kannada Gadegalu with their explanations in Kannada language. We will also provide a link to download a PDF file that contains more Kannada Gadegalu with explanations. These Kannada Gadegalu can help you improve your Kannada language skills, enhance your knowledge and understanding of life, and enrich your communication and expression.
12 Kannada Gadegalu with Explanation
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This proverb means that a kick to a donkey and a word to a wise person are enough to make them move or act. It implies that a donkey is stubborn and needs physical force to obey, while a wise person is intelligent and needs only verbal guidance to understand.
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This proverb means that what did not bend when it was a plant bent when it became a tree. It implies that it is easier to change or correct something when it is young or new, than when it is old or established.
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This proverb means that the nose that was cut off in anger did not come back when calm. It implies that acting impulsively or rashly in anger can cause irreversible damage or loss that cannot be undone later.
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This proverb means that does the finger need a mirror for the sore It implies that one does not need external evidence or confirmation for something that is obvious or self-evident.
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This proverb means that even if you see it with your own eyes, verify it. It implies that one should not blindly trust or believe something, but rather check its validity or accuracy before accepting it.
àuNiyaLAradavaLu neLa DoMkeMDaLaMte
This proverb means that the one who cannot dance blames the ground for being uneven. It implies that one who lacks skill or ability tends to blame external factors or circumstances for their failure
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This proverb means that the axe's handle is the root of the tree. It implies that the cause of one's destruction or downfall may lie within oneself or one's own group.
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This proverb means that the old husband's feet are the only refuge. It implies that one should be loyal and faithful to one's spouse and not seek other partners.
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This proverb means that the snake that lost its teeth thinks that it has three worlds. It implies that one who is weak or powerless may have false pride or delusions of grandeur.
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This proverb means that even when the giant fell, his moustache did not get dirty. It implies that one who is strong or brave does not lose their dignity or honour even in defeat.
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This proverb means that length spoiled width. It implies that one who tries to do too much or achieve too many things may end up losing quality or efficiency.
I hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned some new Kannada Gadegalu with their meanings and explanations. If you want to download more Kannada Gadegalu with explanations in PDF format, you can click on this link[^1^]. You can also read more Kannada stories and articles on this website[^2^] and this website[^3^]. Thank you for your interest and attention. 061ffe29dd